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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Scots and Newfs, worlds apart, yet united in purpose

I was thinking about dog personalities recently. Mostly in my life I have had 5 Scotties, and before that Dachshund, Chihuahua, 2 Labs, and Norweigian Elkhound. Except for the Labs and Chihuahua, all the breeds have been independent and self-contained, with the Scotties most independent and self-contained of all.

The Newfoundland, newest to this family, is the complete other extreme. Newf personality is devoted to pleasing a human, any human. They love everyone. Just because you exist, the Newf loves you, and shows it by being all over you, all the time.

With Scotties, humans have to earn their trust, love, and respect. And once humans earn this from a Scottie, it's almost like they keep it a secret. They might sit by you, and protect you, but they never get anywhere close to acting like it is a big deal. So I feel truly honored when I go out to my hovel out back and sit on a bale of hay, because of course the Newf lays down on my feet and looks at me adoringly, but the 4 Scotties sit on the bales of hay, not touching me, but facing outward, to guard against all foes.

Just the fact that they come sit on the bales along side me speaks volumes, because you couldn't make them do it. It only happens because, in their own understated way, they are saying, "You are worth defending."

Tigger is a prime example of Aloof, Apart, Alert. People who come into the store wait Years for her to even notice them enough to allow a few little pets, which she tolerates just long enough to be polite. But with me, she sleeps with her eyes open, she has me in her sights at all times, she goes into high alert when I move to another space. She stands between me and suspicious happenings. She guards by watching me.

Newf Rhiley guards by sitting on me if no one is around. Her thinking is that if she holds me down, she will know where I am. But let suspicion arise, and she stands up, with her hip on my leg to know my position, while creating a distinct barrier between me and danger.

One more comparison... should danger come from a distance, the Scotties will be off in a flash, to get rid of the problem, whereas the Newf will look at me to make sure my position is secure, and then she will take off to deal with things.

So, they are worlds apart in method, but completely united together in purpose.

Most people I know do not have any clue what their own purpose in life might be. If they recognized that our life's purpose is bigger than any daily chore or conversation, vocation or avocation, they might unite in purpose like the Scotties and Newfs. The Bible says that the Whole Duty of Man is to fear (Respect) God and keep His commandments (Love God and Love your neighbor). Respect and Love. Somehow, the dogs set a remarkably good example.

(ref: Ecclesiastes 12:13)

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